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Will the EU be spiteful if we leave?

David Green, 26 February 2016

Will the 27 other EU members be spiteful towards us if we leave? According to the Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, if we leave the EU the other 27 ‘will interpret a leave decision as two fingers from the UK, and we can expect precisely the same in return’.

Mr Hammond plainly thinks that Brussels officials are petulant and spiteful, presumably based on his regular dealings with them. If true, are we wise to ‘pool sovereignty’ with them? Are they really our friends? Or is he exaggerating to bolster the feeble case for remaining in the EU? It is far more likely that national leaders will be conscious of the five million jobs in the EU that depend on selling us their cars, electrical goods, wine, cheese and much more. A market of 65 million people is worth having.

Moreover, if we leave we will not be putting up two fingers to the peoples of Europe who also want to be free and self-governing. Their self-serving leaders may feel aggrieved, but the mass of the people may well thank us for setting an example of what is possible. There is already talk of other referendums.

Finally, since the 2007 Treaty of Lisbon the European Union has had a treaty obligation to maintain friendly relations with neighbouring countries. Article 8 of the Treaty on European Union says: ‘The Union shall develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.’

It would, therefore be contrary to the treaties to act spitefully. Or is Mr Hammond admitting that EU officials only obey the treaties when it suits them? If he believes that, why does he want to stay in?


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