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Updated: When outsiders are called in

Civitas, 3 November 2009

Back in May, we discussed the rampant use of management consultants within the NHS. It looks as though the DH is now cracking down on the same problem.

According to Healthcare Republic, health minister Mike O’Brien has pledged to investigate the use of management consultants in the NHS, stating that openness and transparency are now required when private consultancies are used. ‘We have to look at areas where we spend money and perhaps don’t have to,’ he said at the NHS Alliance conference in Manchester last week. ‘What I don’t want to see is consultants being employed to make difficult decisions. [NHS employees] are paid well to make difficult decisions and they should make them’. Well said. Aside from the money that can be saved (£300 million in 2008) by side-stepping external advice and empowering current staff, all executives should realise the long-term benefit of showing current employees that their skills and dedication are valued.

In a recent response to the Health Select Committee’s May report on management consultant use in the NHS, the DH admitted information on outsourcing management advice was ‘neither consistent or complete across the organisation’.  Regarding the Health Select Committee’s recommendation that that a sample of contracts with management consultants from all categories of NHS organisation should be subject to external peer review, the DH claims decisions on the appropriateness and value of such reviews rests with the boards of each NHS trust, and of course, the formal power over foundation trust (FT) regulation lies with Monitor. Doesn’t it seem though that an outside assessment of the value of consultants’ contributions would be beneficial to NHS trusts and FTs alike?

However, the DH did agree to comply with the Committee’s first recommendation, stating that PCTs, SHAs and the DH itself will now be expected to publish details of all external companies they employ and the projects they commission. A list of the top ten most expensive daily rates will also be made available.

It really is about time.


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