
Fixing Human Rights Law
Dr Michael Arnheim, September 2023
Fixing Human Rights Law by Dr. Michael Arnheim, a practising barrister, Sometime Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge and author of 23 published books to date, provides an overview of what has gone wrong with contemporary human rights legislation – while suggesting ‘revocation’ by parliament is the best way forward. Focusing on the solution that any judicial decision on human rights law can be revoked… [Full Details]
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In defence of British openness: Evidence and ideas on how we might think about a multiracial country
Richard Norrie, February 2022
Richard Norrie, director of the Statistics and Policy Research Programme at Civitas takes a forensic look at multiracial Britain. In this major new study of multi-ethnic Britain, Richard Norrie makes the case that ethnic minority individuals fare better here than in the familial countries of origin, with a confident minority middle-class. Comparing the prospects of black people in this country to other European… [Full Details]
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How we think about disparity: and what we get wrong
Richard Norrie, December 2020
A government-appointed Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities has been set up to address disparity between ethnic or racial groups in outcomes relating to health, education, employment and other areas. This follows numerous reviews conducted by various governments since 2010. Drawing on the full array of existing reviews, this report by the Director of the Statistics and Policy Research Programme at Civitas, Richard Norrie… [Full Details]
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Fallen through the cracks: Unregistered Islamic marriages in England and Wales, and the future of legislative reform
Emma Webb, August 2020
A significant number of Muslim women in the United Kingdom are in unregistered religious-only marriages, many of whom will be unaware that they lack legal protections and access to marital rights. In this report, Emma Webb examines how the asymmetric nature of those sometimes polygamous marriages and Islamic divorce – which allows a man to instantaneously divorce his wife but makes it much harder for… [Full Details]
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Controlling Britain's Borders: The challenge of enforcing the UK’s immigration rules
David Wood, January 2019
The UK receives tens of thousands of asylum applications ever year. Usually less than half are found to be valid, even at the end of lengthy appeal processes, and yet only a minority of those subsequently leave the country. As a result there is a mounting backlog of illegal immigrants waiting to be removed. Most never will be. David Wood, Theresa May’s former Director… [Full Details]
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Britain's Demographic Challenge: The implications of the UK’s rapidly increasing population
Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts, September 2017
The population of the United Kingdom is growing at a rate of more than 500,000 a year, equivalent to a new town of about 10,000 people being created every week. On current projections, by 2039 there will be nearly 10 million more people living here – enough to populate Greater Manchester three times over. What are the implications of this for the country, and… [Full Details]
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The Politics of Fantasy: Immigration policy in the UK after Brexit
Alasdair Palmer and David Wood, June 2017
Concerns about immigration were not the only reason why a small but significant majority of the British electorate voted to leave the European Union in the referendum of 23 June 2016. But concerns about immigration were certainly a major factor. Polls which asked people why they voted for Brexit soon after the vote recorded that the primary concern of those who opted to leave was… [Full Details]
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Race and Faith: The Deafening Silence
Trevor Phillips, May 2016
For more than half a millennium, Britain has managed diversity through a process of organic integration, with newcomers and their traditions gradually absorbed into the culture. But in this new age of ‘superdiversity’, with more people of very different backgrounds arriving in greater numbers than ever before, is that enough? Trevor Phillips, the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, argues that Britain… [Full Details]
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The Costs and Benefits of Large-scale Immigration: Exploring the economic and demographic consequences for the UK
Robert Rowthorn, December 2015
The refugee crisis which has consumed Europe in recent months has thrust immigration to the top of the political debate. Heart-rending images of migrants making perilous journeys from North Africa and the Middle East have added a new level of poignancy to the moral and practical considerations concerning mass movements of people. Calibrating the right response is critical, given that the pressures giving rise… [Full Details]
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A Nation of Immigrants?: A brief demographic history of Britain
David Conway, April 2007
David Conway takes issue with those who minimise the threat posed by mass immigration. He argues that from the time England can be considered to have become a nation, immigration has never risen above very low levels and had no serious demographic impact until the last part of the 20th century. Since 1997, however, Tony Blair's Labour government effectively abandoned even the goal of… [Full Details]
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Work in Progress: Migration, Integration and the European Labour Market
Helen Disney ed, May 2003
Since the relaxation of its national borders, migration into and between the countries of the European Union has become far more common and has begun to raise an urgent series of policy dilemmas. Is the labour market flexible enough to accommodate all those who want to come here to work? Should we be limiting the influx of newcomers into our countries and, if so, how… [Full Details]
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Tomorrow is Another Country: What is wrong with UK's asylum policy?
Myles Harris (with complementary essay by David Conway), January 2003
… [Full Details]
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Do We Need Mass Immigration?: The economic, demographic, environmental, social and developmental arguments against large-scale net immigration to Britain
Anthony Browne, November 2002
This groundbreaking report, published in 2002, argues that current levels of immigration are unsustainable and detrimental to the interests of many people in Britain. Anthony Browne says immigration is ineffective as a global development policy and that it should be balanced, with equal numbers of people coming and going. That would be in the interests of people in Britain rather than just those of potential… [Full Details]
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What to believe about the econometric models in three studies of the fiscal effects of immigration to the UK
Mervyn Stone, April 2015
Large-scale Immigration: Its economic and demographic consequences for the UK
Robert Rowthorn, August 2014
A Note on Dustmann and Frattini’s Estimates of the Fiscal Impact of UK Immigration
Robert Rowthorn, April 2014
A Note of Professor Stone's Comment on Dustmann and Frattini
Robert Rowthorn, January 2014
Assumptions and Wizardry
Mervyn Stone, December 2013
Responding to 'the Fiscal Effects of Immigration to the UK'
Nigel Williams, December 2013
Not 'challenging myths' but mythical challenges
Mervyn Stone, February 2010
How Not to Beat the BNP! A critique of the EHRC report on social housing allocation
Mervyn Stone, July 2009
Blocking the way to social cohesion
Mervyn Stone and Donald Edwards, June 2007
Home Office prediction of Bulgarian and Romanian work registrations
Mervyn Stone, December 2006
Articles for the Media
We should call Europe's bluff over immigration rules
David Green, The Times, December 2013
Working migrants will still drain the public purse
David Green, The Times, January 2013
In defence of Maurice Glasman
David Green, New Statesman, July 2011
If you don't speak English you can't belong in Britain
David Green, The Daily Telegraph, July 2011
Britain's borders are still wide open to abuse by migrants
David Green, The Daily Telegraph, June 2011
Unchecked immigration is putting Britons out of work
David Green, The Daily Telegraph, August 2006