
Exploring Religious Pluralism in the Classroom: How to use religious education in schools to combat extremism
David Conway, May 2024
Today, tolerance between people of different faiths is often encouraged under the heading of “British values”. This is arguably misguided, as it could be taken to imply that religious tolerance is a uniquely British value, not one found in other cultures. The insinuation, therefore, is that to encourage religious tolerance in schoolchildren in Britain today is to encourage those children who were born elsewhere, or… [Full Details]
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'Islamophobia' Revisited
Hardeep Singh, September 2023
Islamophobia Revisited by Hardeep Singh builds on a previous collection of essays on Islamophobia published by Civitas in August 2019. Hardeep Singh returns to this topic, and in Islamophobia Revisited conducts a thorough investigation into how Islamophobia is defined by local authorities describing a ‘panoply’ of different approaches and definitions. In response to a large-scale Freedom of Information exercise, Singh discovers that one in… [Full Details]
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Legislative Approaches to Islam: A Review of State Policies in Ten European Countries
Atlanta Neudorf, March 2022
This short introduction to Islam in Europe provides an overview of recent legislation and policy approaches to Islam across 10 European countries. It outlines legislation and regulation on the wearing of Islamic headwear, halal slaughter, Islamic religious marriages (and divorces), Islamic education (such as madrasas), and Acts which have had a demonstrable effect upon Islamic practices. This book is intended to provide the reader with… [Full Details]
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Two tests for UK Trade: Does seamless, tariff-free trade boost exports and does distance matter?
Phil Radford, September 2021
During the UK’s departure from the European Union, debate about UK trade policy was dominated by two assertions: That seamless, tariff-free trade with the EU was the optimal outcome for UK manufacturing; That trade grows fastest with countries that are nearest. In this report, trade analyst Phil Radford performs two correlations on UK trade data to scrutinise the evidence for these two assertions… [Full Details]
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Conflicting estimates of the benefits of freer trade with the United States: the European Commission (2017) vs the Department for International Trade (2020)
Michael Burrage, September 2020
The Trade Secretary is reported to be prepared to rip up the Trade Department’s rulebooks on assessing deals in an attempt to improve how it measures the economic benefits of its post-Brexit 'Global Britain' project. Notably, when the UK struck its first major post-Brexit trade pact with Japan, critics were quick to point out it would seemingly boost UK GDP by only… [Full Details]
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The Left Case for Brexit: Active government for an independent UK
Philip B. Whyman, September 2018
Two years on from the vote for Brexit, the process of withdrawal remains mired in debate about the kind of relationship an independent UK should be seeking with the European Union and the wider world. With the date for departure moving ever closer, there is a desperate need for a clear vision of what a post-Brexit Britain should look like and be trying to… [Full Details]
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The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation?: How pro-Brexit views have been marginalised in the BBC’s news coverage
David Keighley and Andrew Jubb, January 2018
For at least the past two decades, opinion polls have shown a large number of voters have wanted the UK to leave the European Union. When the question was finally put in the June 2016 referendum, the electorate voted to do just that by a margin of 52 per cent to 48 per cent. Yet the clear preference of a large section of the population… [Full Details]
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It's Quite OK to Walk Away: A review of the UK’s Brexit options with the help of seven international databases
Michael Burrage, March 2017
The image of the EU’s Single Market as an economically successful project, membership of which is vital to the interests of the UK, has rested on the hopes and repeated assurances of politicians rather than any credible evidence. No UK government has ever sought to monitor its impact until the rushed analysis, now widely held to be unreliable and untrustworthy, produced by the Treasury… [Full Details]
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Inclusive Capitalism: How we can make independence work for everyone
David G. Green, February 2017
The UK is taking back its independence at a time when some of the unspoken assumptions of recent times are shifting. To speak of the political left or the political right no longer has a clear meaning. Some say that the real divide is between globalisation and nationalism, but this distinction fails to capture what is really at stake, namely the accountability of political power… [Full Details]
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Mitigating the impact of tariffs on UK-EU trade
William Norton, January 2017
Post-Brexit, in the event of there being no trade treaty, UK exports to the EU-27 could expect to suffer tariff costs in the region of £5.2 billion, but the corresponding exports from the EU-27 to the UK would face costs in the region of £12.9 billion. These figures were advanced in previous Civitas research as a strong argument that it… [Full Details]
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Economical With The Truth: A review of 'HM Treasury analysis: the long-term economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives'
Michael Burrage, May 2016
The Chancellor has claimed that every household would be £4,300 worse off outside the EU - but the Treasury's calculations are based on a false premise the value of the Single Market to British trade. In this report, Michael Burrage interrogates the assumptions underpinning HM Treasury analysis: the long-term economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives and finds that they ignore much… [Full Details]
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The Eurosceptic's Handbook: 50 live issues in the Brexit debate
Michael Burrage, May 2016
The Brexit debate that has taken hold of the country is one of the defining issues of our time. The outcome of the EU referendum in June will have ramifications that will be felt for generations to come. But the discussion is curiously one-sided. The polls show that the British people are fairly evenly split between those who would stay and those who would… [Full Details]
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EU Facts: A new web resource from Civitas
March 2016
With the EU referendum debate well under way, Civitas has launched - a new website to help inform the discussion between now and June 23rd. EU Facts is a web resource designed to provide the average voter with the essentials about the functioning of the EU and Britain’s relationship with it. More than 70 simple fact sheets give the… [Full Details]

Myth and Paradox of the Single Market: How the trade benefits of EU membership have been mis-sold
Michael Burrage, January 2016
For many, the economic benefits accruing from the UK’s membership of the EU are self-evident and unanswerable: access to the European Single Market is of enormous benefit to British exporters and a major attraction for global investors looking to expand into the region. Or so the argument goes. But where is the evidence for this? What do the trade and investment figures actually… [Full Details]
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Lessons From Switzerland: How might Britain go about business outside the EU?
By Jonathan Lindsell, October 2015
Should Britain choose to quit the European Union it would take back from Brussels responsibility for negotiating its own trade deals with economies around the world. Some see this as a threat, fearful that the UK alone would never have the leverage to thrash out the kind of arrangements that the EU does. Others see this as an opportunity, freeing Britain to pursue deals on… [Full Details]
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Hard Bargains or Weak Compromises?: Reforming Britain’s relationship with the EU
Brian Binley and Lee Rotherham, Foreword by John Redwood, March 2015
David Cameron has promised that, if re-elected in the 2015 general election, he will renegotiate Britain's relationship with the EU before putting it to a referendum in 2017. But so far there has been little indication of what sort of deal he hopes to strike. In this timely and wide-ranging study of the UK's position in Europe, Conservative MP Brian Binley… [Full Details]
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Softening the Blow: Who gains from the EU and how they can survive Brexit
Jonathan Lindsell, September 2014
'Brexit’ - British exit from the European Union - is a distinct possibility. Although many argue that the economy of an independent Britain will be more successful on the whole, there are sectors in which people feel that they benefit from EU membership. These people are consequently strong critics of the Brexit movement. In Softening the Blow, Jonathan Lindsell discusses Brexit fears with industry spokespeople, then explores… [Full Details]
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With Friends Like These... Why Britain should leave the EU - and how
David Conway, August 2014
Trust in the European Union has been in steep decline since the eurocrisis, and the 2014 European Parliament elections saw many MEPs sent to Brussels to represent parties opposed to the federalist agenda, and in some cases to the EU itself. Euroscepticism has gone from being a political position that was treated with contempt by both the media and the political establishments to being a… [Full Details]
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Where's the Insider Advantage?: A review of the evidence that withdrawal from the EU would not harm the UK's exports or foreign investment in the UK
Michael Burrage, July 2014
Britain's relationship with the European Union is under scrutiny like never before. Increasingly passionate arguments are being mounted on both sides of the debate, but they have been generating more heat than light. In an attempt to furnish the argument with the facts, independent analyst Michael Burrage here provides a sober and detailed study of the supposed trade and investment advantages that EU membership… [Full Details]
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The Demise of the Free State: Why British democracy and the EU don't mix
David G. Green, April 2014
"The great merit of this brilliant and learned book is that it locates the case for withdrawal in the magnificent British tradition of democracy, liberty and tolerance” - Peter Oborne As the UK fast approaches a crossroads in its relationship with the European Union, Civitas director David G Green contrasts the ideals that have evolved in the British political system over many centuries - best described as… [Full Details]
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What Have We Done? The surrender of our democracy to the EU
David G. Green, April 2013
Since joining the European Economic Community in 1973, we have steadily lost the power to govern ourselves. In this necessary and insightful book, David Green describes the essential qualities of the free, open and democratic British system which evolved over 1,000 years. Under our constitution, the fact that the government can be removed immediately by either the Commons or the Crown changes its behaviour… [Full Details]
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Time to Say No
Ian Milne, September 2011
Evidence is accumulating that membership of the EU imposes a heavy ongoing net cost on the UK economy possibly in excess of ten per cent of GDP, over £140 billion a year at 2009 prices. The author examines this and other questions in detail, including the three main alternatives to EU membership. He concludes by sketching out the mechanics, timetable, management and consequences of full… [Full Details]
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Strasbourg in the Dock: Prisoner Voting, Human Rights & the Case for Democracy
Dominic Raab, April 2011
The ruling that convicted prisoners have the right to vote has put the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg at loggerheads with the UK Parliament and, hence, the will of the British people. This was reinforced in 2011 when backbenchers of all parties rejected enfranchising prisoners in a free vote. In this forensic examination, Dominic Raab, MP for Esher and Walton, explains how the… [Full Details]
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Show All Publications

Exploring Religious Pluralism in the Classroom: How to use religious education in schools to combat extremism
David Conway, May 2024
Today, tolerance between people of different faiths is often encouraged under the heading of “British values”. This is arguably misguided, as it could be taken to imply that religious tolerance is a uniquely British value, not one found in other cultures. The insinuation, therefore, is that to encourage religious tolerance in schoolchildren in Britain today is to encourage those children who were born elsewhere, or… [Full Details]
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'Islamophobia' Revisited
Hardeep Singh, September 2023
Islamophobia Revisited by Hardeep Singh builds on a previous collection of essays on Islamophobia published by Civitas in August 2019. Hardeep Singh returns to this topic, and in Islamophobia Revisited conducts a thorough investigation into how Islamophobia is defined by local authorities describing a ‘panoply’ of different approaches and definitions. In response to a large-scale Freedom of Information exercise, Singh discovers that one in… [Full Details]
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Legislative Approaches to Islam: A Review of State Policies in Ten European Countries
Atlanta Neudorf, March 2022
This short introduction to Islam in Europe provides an overview of recent legislation and policy approaches to Islam across 10 European countries. It outlines legislation and regulation on the wearing of Islamic headwear, halal slaughter, Islamic religious marriages (and divorces), Islamic education (such as madrasas), and Acts which have had a demonstrable effect upon Islamic practices. This book is intended to provide the reader with… [Full Details]
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Two tests for UK Trade: Does seamless, tariff-free trade boost exports and does distance matter?
Phil Radford, September 2021
During the UK’s departure from the European Union, debate about UK trade policy was dominated by two assertions: That seamless, tariff-free trade with the EU was the optimal outcome for UK manufacturing; That trade grows fastest with countries that are nearest. In this report, trade analyst Phil Radford performs two correlations on UK trade data to scrutinise the evidence for these two assertions… [Full Details]
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Conflicting estimates of the benefits of freer trade with the United States: the European Commission (2017) vs the Department for International Trade (2020)
Michael Burrage, September 2020
The Trade Secretary is reported to be prepared to rip up the Trade Department’s rulebooks on assessing deals in an attempt to improve how it measures the economic benefits of its post-Brexit 'Global Britain' project. Notably, when the UK struck its first major post-Brexit trade pact with Japan, critics were quick to point out it would seemingly boost UK GDP by only… [Full Details]
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The Left Case for Brexit: Active government for an independent UK
Philip B. Whyman, September 2018
Two years on from the vote for Brexit, the process of withdrawal remains mired in debate about the kind of relationship an independent UK should be seeking with the European Union and the wider world. With the date for departure moving ever closer, there is a desperate need for a clear vision of what a post-Brexit Britain should look like and be trying to… [Full Details]
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The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation?: How pro-Brexit views have been marginalised in the BBC’s news coverage
David Keighley and Andrew Jubb, January 2018
For at least the past two decades, opinion polls have shown a large number of voters have wanted the UK to leave the European Union. When the question was finally put in the June 2016 referendum, the electorate voted to do just that by a margin of 52 per cent to 48 per cent. Yet the clear preference of a large section of the population… [Full Details]
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It's Quite OK to Walk Away: A review of the UK’s Brexit options with the help of seven international databases
Michael Burrage, March 2017
The image of the EU’s Single Market as an economically successful project, membership of which is vital to the interests of the UK, has rested on the hopes and repeated assurances of politicians rather than any credible evidence. No UK government has ever sought to monitor its impact until the rushed analysis, now widely held to be unreliable and untrustworthy, produced by the Treasury… [Full Details]
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Inclusive Capitalism: How we can make independence work for everyone
David G. Green, February 2017
The UK is taking back its independence at a time when some of the unspoken assumptions of recent times are shifting. To speak of the political left or the political right no longer has a clear meaning. Some say that the real divide is between globalisation and nationalism, but this distinction fails to capture what is really at stake, namely the accountability of political power… [Full Details]
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Mitigating the impact of tariffs on UK-EU trade
William Norton, January 2017
Post-Brexit, in the event of there being no trade treaty, UK exports to the EU-27 could expect to suffer tariff costs in the region of £5.2 billion, but the corresponding exports from the EU-27 to the UK would face costs in the region of £12.9 billion. These figures were advanced in previous Civitas research as a strong argument that it… [Full Details]
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Economical With The Truth: A review of 'HM Treasury analysis: the long-term economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives'
Michael Burrage, May 2016
The Chancellor has claimed that every household would be £4,300 worse off outside the EU - but the Treasury's calculations are based on a false premise the value of the Single Market to British trade. In this report, Michael Burrage interrogates the assumptions underpinning HM Treasury analysis: the long-term economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives and finds that they ignore much… [Full Details]
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The Eurosceptic's Handbook: 50 live issues in the Brexit debate
Michael Burrage, May 2016
The Brexit debate that has taken hold of the country is one of the defining issues of our time. The outcome of the EU referendum in June will have ramifications that will be felt for generations to come. But the discussion is curiously one-sided. The polls show that the British people are fairly evenly split between those who would stay and those who would… [Full Details]
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EU Facts: A new web resource from Civitas
March 2016
With the EU referendum debate well under way, Civitas has launched - a new website to help inform the discussion between now and June 23rd. EU Facts is a web resource designed to provide the average voter with the essentials about the functioning of the EU and Britain’s relationship with it. More than 70 simple fact sheets give the… [Full Details]

Myth and Paradox of the Single Market: How the trade benefits of EU membership have been mis-sold
Michael Burrage, January 2016
For many, the economic benefits accruing from the UK’s membership of the EU are self-evident and unanswerable: access to the European Single Market is of enormous benefit to British exporters and a major attraction for global investors looking to expand into the region. Or so the argument goes. But where is the evidence for this? What do the trade and investment figures actually… [Full Details]
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Lessons From Switzerland: How might Britain go about business outside the EU?
By Jonathan Lindsell, October 2015
Should Britain choose to quit the European Union it would take back from Brussels responsibility for negotiating its own trade deals with economies around the world. Some see this as a threat, fearful that the UK alone would never have the leverage to thrash out the kind of arrangements that the EU does. Others see this as an opportunity, freeing Britain to pursue deals on… [Full Details]
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Hard Bargains or Weak Compromises?: Reforming Britain’s relationship with the EU
Brian Binley and Lee Rotherham, Foreword by John Redwood, March 2015
David Cameron has promised that, if re-elected in the 2015 general election, he will renegotiate Britain's relationship with the EU before putting it to a referendum in 2017. But so far there has been little indication of what sort of deal he hopes to strike. In this timely and wide-ranging study of the UK's position in Europe, Conservative MP Brian Binley… [Full Details]
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Softening the Blow: Who gains from the EU and how they can survive Brexit
Jonathan Lindsell, September 2014
'Brexit’ - British exit from the European Union - is a distinct possibility. Although many argue that the economy of an independent Britain will be more successful on the whole, there are sectors in which people feel that they benefit from EU membership. These people are consequently strong critics of the Brexit movement. In Softening the Blow, Jonathan Lindsell discusses Brexit fears with industry spokespeople, then explores… [Full Details]
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With Friends Like These... Why Britain should leave the EU - and how
David Conway, August 2014
Trust in the European Union has been in steep decline since the eurocrisis, and the 2014 European Parliament elections saw many MEPs sent to Brussels to represent parties opposed to the federalist agenda, and in some cases to the EU itself. Euroscepticism has gone from being a political position that was treated with contempt by both the media and the political establishments to being a… [Full Details]
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Where's the Insider Advantage?: A review of the evidence that withdrawal from the EU would not harm the UK's exports or foreign investment in the UK
Michael Burrage, July 2014
Britain's relationship with the European Union is under scrutiny like never before. Increasingly passionate arguments are being mounted on both sides of the debate, but they have been generating more heat than light. In an attempt to furnish the argument with the facts, independent analyst Michael Burrage here provides a sober and detailed study of the supposed trade and investment advantages that EU membership… [Full Details]
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The Demise of the Free State: Why British democracy and the EU don't mix
David G. Green, April 2014
"The great merit of this brilliant and learned book is that it locates the case for withdrawal in the magnificent British tradition of democracy, liberty and tolerance” - Peter Oborne As the UK fast approaches a crossroads in its relationship with the European Union, Civitas director David G Green contrasts the ideals that have evolved in the British political system over many centuries - best described as… [Full Details]
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What Have We Done? The surrender of our democracy to the EU
David G. Green, April 2013
Since joining the European Economic Community in 1973, we have steadily lost the power to govern ourselves. In this necessary and insightful book, David Green describes the essential qualities of the free, open and democratic British system which evolved over 1,000 years. Under our constitution, the fact that the government can be removed immediately by either the Commons or the Crown changes its behaviour… [Full Details]
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Time to Say No
Ian Milne, September 2011
Evidence is accumulating that membership of the EU imposes a heavy ongoing net cost on the UK economy possibly in excess of ten per cent of GDP, over £140 billion a year at 2009 prices. The author examines this and other questions in detail, including the three main alternatives to EU membership. He concludes by sketching out the mechanics, timetable, management and consequences of full… [Full Details]
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Strasbourg in the Dock: Prisoner Voting, Human Rights & the Case for Democracy
Dominic Raab, April 2011
The ruling that convicted prisoners have the right to vote has put the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg at loggerheads with the UK Parliament and, hence, the will of the British people. This was reinforced in 2011 when backbenchers of all parties rejected enfranchising prisoners in a free vote. In this forensic examination, Dominic Raab, MP for Esher and Walton, explains how the… [Full Details]
Download PDF Buy from Civitas Buy From AmazonBriefings
The UK’s trillion euro counter-claim against the EU
Miles Saltiel, March 2017
Potential post-Brexit tariff costs for EU-UK trade
Justin Protts, October 2016
UK-EU trade and jobs linked to exports
Justin Protts, September 2016
The UK’s trillion euro counter-claim against the EU
Miles Saltiel, March 2017
Potential post-Brexit tariff costs for EU-UK trade
Justin Protts, October 2016
UK-EU trade and jobs linked to exports
Justin Protts, September 2016
Shadow Boxing: A commentary on the Brexit negotiations so far
Miles Saltiel, September 2017
Independence Manifesto
David Green, April 2016
The Lobbying of the EU: How to achieve greater transparency
Anthony Chambers, February 2016
Articles for the Media
The UK would be foolish to concede anything in negotiations over the Single Market
Michael Burrage, CapX, July 2016
Forecasters vs. record-keepers: which of the two voices of the IMF should be believed?
Michael Burrage, CapX, June 2016
Michael Burrage: Why study the predictions when one can read the record? The Single Market doesn’t drive trade growth.
Michael Burrage, Conservative Home, June 2016
Why UK should follow the Swiss lead after Brexit
Jonathan Lindsell, The Yorkshire Post , October 2015
Can Britain seal decent trade deals if it leaves the EU?
Jonathan Lindsell, CapX, October 2015
Alarm over EU exit should be taken with a pinch of salt
Jonathan Lindsell, The Times, April 2015
Norway has a fairer approach to the pressure of EU migration
Jonathan Lindsell, Left Foot Forward , February 2015
We should call Europe’s bluff over immigration rules
David Green, The Times, December 2013
Here are some ideas for renegotiating our relationship with Europe, Mr Cameron
Jonathan Lindsell, Conservative Home, September 2013
Take back our laws. British democracy depends on it
David Green, The Times, June 2013