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Economic recovery after the lockdown

David G. Green, May 2020

What should the Government do to encourage rapid economic recovery from the lockdown while pledging its one-nation commitment to spreading prosperity across all sections of society?

In this report, David Green, Director of Civitas identifies how the coronavirus crisis has highlighted some structural weaknesses in our economic life – and offers twelve policy recommendations:

  1. Renewal of cities: localising investment power
  1. Retention of existing enterprises and reshoring production
  1. Enforce international rules of trade
  1. Ensure the exchange rate is competitive
  1. Establish an agency to appraise foreign direct investment (FDI) – while strengthening the takeover regime
  1. Extend the role of the British Business Bank
  1. Abolish corporate taxation
  1. Energy policy: carbon reduction or job creation?
  1. Making companies committed citizens: company law and commitment
  1. Increase defence spending
  1. Link aid to trade
  1. Create enterprise corporations
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