The Butterfly Book
December 2008
The Key to Early Reading Success
‘The Butterfly Book’ offers a self-contained course in reading and writing that introduces the 44 sounds of the English language and teaches children how to blend them into syllables and words. By the end of this course, a child will not just have learnt an essential vocabulary but will also have all the keys to unlocking the whole of English language and literature, giving that child the single most important advantage in all other areas of education.
Over a decade of stunning results
“The back-to-basics method involves teaching the letter sounds of English and how to blend them together to work out unfamiliar words… youngsters were given intensive lessons in synthetic phonics for a fortnight using a course designed by literacy authority Irina Tyk. After two weeks of whole-class tuition, the average improvement in reading age was one year and nine months.”
Laura Clark, Daily Mail, September 5, 2007
“Traditional teaching of a type rarely seen in state schools in Britain since the 1960s has turned a group of inner-city children, some of whom were barely literate, into capable readers in two weeks… Irina Tyk used the phonic method, which requires children to decode words by the sound of their letters.”
Liz Lightfoot and Walter Ellis, Sunday Times, 27 August 1995
- First commercial release of a course that has been tried and tested for over 10 years
- Teaches all 44 sounds of the English language in short, sharp phonics-based lessons
- Ideal for teaching a foundation for reading, as described in the revised Primary Framework (Learning Objective strands 5 & 6, towards keystages 1 & 2) Easy-to-use, requiring no supporting resources
- Features five fun illustrated stories that build the bridge between phonics and reading for enjoyment and comprehension
- Proven effective across a range of abilities and backgrounds for boys and girls, the course raised the average reading age of a class in one Civitas summer school by 1 year and 9 months in just 2 weeks