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Are EU People Being Served or Serfed by EU Governments?

Civitas, 7 June 2006

Three excellent articles have recently appeared on the internet about the problems Europe is facing as a result of disastrous policies that various European governments have adopted, including the ever-growing supra-national one in Brussels, in response to the huge influx of Muslim immigrants to this region in recent years.
The first is by Flemming Rose entitled ‘Europe’s Politics of Victimology’ . In it, the culture editor of Jyllands Posten explains the motivation of his paper in publishing last September the notorious set of cartoons of the prophet Muhammed that were eventually to unleash such a storm of Muslim protest at them around the world.
‘By treating a Muslim figure the same way I would a Christian or Jewish icon’, explains Rose, he was — rather than intending to insult Danish Muslims or the founder of their religion — ‘sending an important message: You are not strangers, you are here to stay, and we accept you as an integrated part of our life. And we will satirize you too. It was an act of inclusion, not exclusion; an act of respect and recognition.’
By declining the invitation, the outraged Danish imams who stirred up Muslim protests at the cartoons were declining inclusion – other than on their own terms which were to make non-Muslims mountains come to Muhammed.

The final pair in this trio of excellent articled about the difficulties Europe currently faces as a result of its various governments’ failiure to address the challenge posed to it by the very large numbers of Muslim immigrants who have recently settled there is by the Norwegian who blogs under the name of Fjordman. (Apologies to Flordman for my having initially wrongly attributed the second of these two pieces to Baron Bodissey on whose Gates of Vienna website it was first posted and to the good Baron for having pointed out the error to me.)
The first in this pair of Fjordman articles is entitled ‘Is the Nation State Obsolete?’. It was first posted in the Brussels Journal on Monday of this week. The other article appeared on the same day on the Gates of Vienna website. It is entitled ‘Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and soon’.
For Fjordman’s full reasons for this assertion of his, you will have to read the article. But it concludes with a searing indictment of the elite of Europhiles who have steered the project from the off for their recent gigantic betrayal of the European peoples by their hand-handed and semi-covert creation of that attempted symbiotic union between the countries that border both north and south shores of the Mediterranean that has come to be called ‘Eurabia’.
All three articles are very well worth reading.

1 comments on “Are EU People Being Served or Serfed by EU Governments?”

  1. Thanks for the link!
    I’d like to say that I wrote the essay, but I didn’t; it’s by Fjordman. He has chosen not to be a contributor at Gates of Vienna, which means that he sends his guest-posts to me, and I post them for him. That’s why they have my byline, although I credit him at the top of the post.
    I wish I could claim credit for such fine work, but I can’t!
    If you could change your post to attribute the piece to Fjordman, we’d both appreciate it.


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