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We need you!

Civitas, 26 November 2010

Civitas is looking to encourage more people to get involved in our blog through commenting on the various posts.  Our hope is that the blog will serve to foster an atmosphere of informed debate.

Civitas blog needs you!

We have tried to make it simpler for you to comment on blog posts by removing the need for registration prior to submitting a comment. Now all you need to do is to give your name and email address.

The blog is an interactive area and if you haven’t/don’t already commented/comment, we strongly urge you to on the blog posts which inspire your interest.  We are especially keen to hear about our readers’ on the ground involvement with the topics being discussed.

Unpicking and discussing complicated issues in our society is a central aim of a think tank’s remit, and the blog provides a forum in which that debate can be widened out.

Do also let us know if you have ideas about issues that you think merit examination in a blog post, or suggestions on how to develop the blog further, via email at info[at]

7 comments on “We need you!”

  1. Hello!, Pretty interest angle, we were talking in regards to the same issue at work and found your web site extremely stimulating. So felt compelled to com?ment just a little thank you for all your hard work. Please keep up the excellent function your doing!

  2. I do not normally reply to posts but I will in this case.
    my God, i believed you were heading to chip in with some decisive insght in the finish there, not leave it
    with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.

  3. Is this the White Paper on growth? Looks a bit thin on the ground.
    I’ll look out for the article. Thanks for replying David.

  4. There are a myriad of reasons, but a big one is the emphasis on creating a low-carbon economy The problem is that the Government doesn’t realise this will kill off existing industries in the process. Instead, it assumes our currently strong sectors will adapt and survive.

    Have a look at the latest publication from the Government if you’re interested:

    I am currently working on something related to this – it will be uploaded to our website when finished. You can also sign up to receive our press releases if you want to be notified when it’s published.

  5. How will the package to Ireland affect us?
    Also , how will we secure a modern manufacturing sector? Surely that’s what we need at this point. Doesn’t look like we will get one though. What’s the main reason?

  6. The biggest economic transition in the U.K is taking place. Who are or will be the most vulnerable members of society and the impact of the drastic cuts to the social-economic growth to urban and rural areas of the U.K.

  7. …and about time too! Having lurked in the background to read posts, I think I better get commenting – There is a real need to engage with the subject one is reading about!
    I hope some subjects will develop a real dialogue, especially politically relevant topics.
    Now who’s going to start?!


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