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Environmentalists are undermining their cause by defending emissions trading

david merlin-jones, 6 January 2012

On Wednesday, the Guardian published an article in ‘Comment is Free’ dismissing the claims made in Civitas’ latest report, CO2.1: Beyond the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (available here). Damien Morris, the author of the article and senior policy advisor at Sandbag, described the report as ‘cynical’ and containing ‘remorseless pessimism’. What is the report’s crime? To argue that the EU’s flagship environmental scheme delivers no environmental benefit and is being manipulated by governments, businesses and bankers for profit and should therefore be scrapped. There was no discussion of the report’s positive messages of alternative ways to reduce carbon emissions, if that is what we must do, for much less cost while also reducing the future price of energy.

Read the rest of this article on The Commentator here


1 comments on “Environmentalists are undermining their cause by defending emissions trading”

  1. We know what are the possible cause of the emission trading. We also know that all have advantage and disadvantage. I also understand that this is necessary basing on the possible result that this will help in reducing future price of energy.


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